Monday, December 21, 2009

Monthly Car Rental

Monthly Car Rental – Why People Like Monthly Car Rental

Some horrible things can happen to you while you are driving your car. I know it’s bad but things can happen, for example you could get into an accident. Hopefully no one will get injured but that always remains a possibility. Let’s say you parked your car outside of a friend’s house and went in to enjoy a night of festivities, you come back out and your car is totaled. I know that it seems like something that would not happen but let me assure you, it is a possibility.

The only good thing about this if it were to happen is that most insurance companies will offer you a new vehicle at generally no charge to you, just pay your deductible and all coverage is offered as long as you have the endorsement! Especially if your car is totaled a monthly car rental may be exactly what you need to get by.

Many companies will offer a monthly car rental even it is not for insurance purposes. Avis for example has many different options they offer when getting a monthly car rental. Their vehicles are actually less costly if you rent a vehicle for a longer amount of time. Usually the cut off time is sixty days, but any time after that you are going to be getting a large percentage off, I would recommend utilizing this offer. To go into more detail about what offers are usually available for a monthly car rental is points. You will be able to travel free faster than you ever expected. You can earn points to spend on more car rentals so eventually you will be able to rent for free!

Many different vehicles are available. Generally there are three different categories for monthly car rentals like compacts to luxury even mini vans are applicable. To let you feel even more secure in your monthly rental car remember that most places will offer a 24 hour side service, not even some insurance policies offer this coverage just for having the policy. This is a great coverage that can really get your neck out of a jam if you are worried about this happening to you. They generally have a hotline that you just call and they will send out a tow man or whatever is necessary to get the car running again and get you back on the road with your vehicle.

Maybe you just moved across the country due to a job replacement and are going to need a monthly rental car or maybe you just want to take a very long road trip. Regardless of what your situation is, many companies are very open and able to over you a car that you can rent for an extended amount of time and like state previously they will even give you a discount for having the vehicle for longer. Sounds like a great situation to be in if you ask me. Enjoy your monthly car rental!

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